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[1] Bayliss WM,Starling EH Mechanism of Pancreatie Secretion [J]. Physiol (london) 1902; 28:235-334
[2] Drucker D,Nauck M. The incretin system: glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes[J].Lancet 2006,368:1696
[3] Perfetti R,Merkel P.Glucagen-like peptide-1:a major regulator of pancreatic beta-cell function.Eur[J] .Endocrinol,2000,143(6):717-725
[4] Zhang YY,Proenca R,Maffei M,et al. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue[J]. Nature,1994,372(6505):425~432
[5] Fruhbeck G,Jebb SA,Prentice AM.Leption:Physiology and Pathophysiology[J].Clin Physiol,1998,18(5):399
[6] Gunnar S,Mehboob AH,George GH.Glucagen-like peptide1stimulates insulin gene promoter activity by protein kinase A independent activation of the rat insulin gene cAMP response element[J].Diabetes,2000,49:1156-1164
[7]ScroeehiLA,MarshallBA,CookSM,BrubakerPL,DruckerDJ.Identifieation of GLP-1 action essential for glucose homeostasis in mice with disruption of GLP-1receptor signaling[J].Diabetes 47(4):632-639(1998)
[8] Le Lay J,Stein R.Involvement of PDX-1 in activation of human insulin gene transcription[J]. Endocrinol,2006,188:287-294.
[9].Buteau J,Spatz M L,Accili D.Transcription factor FoxO1 mediates
glucagon-like peptide-1 effects on pancreatic β-cell mass [J].Diabetes,2006,55:1190-1196
[10] Wolfgang M,Leech CA,Ferrer J,et al.Regulated expression of adenosinetriphosphate sensitive potassium channel subunits in pancreaticβ-cells[J].Endocrinol,2001,142(1):129-138
[11]Cohen B,Novick D,Rubinstein M,et al. Modulation of insulin activities by leptin[J]. Science,1996,274(2590):1185~1188.
[12] Seufert J,KiefferTJ,Leech CA,et al. leptinsuppression of insulin secretion and gene expression in human pancreatic islets:implications for the development of adipogenic diabetes millitus[J]. Clin Endocrinol Metab,1999,84(2):670~676
[13] Jhala US,Canettieri G,Screaton RA,et al.cAMP promotes pancreatic beta-cell survival via CREB-mediated induction of IRS2[J].Genes Dev,2003,17:1575—1580
[14] Hui H ,Nourparvar A ,Zhao XN ,et al1 Glucago-2like peptide-1 inhibits apoptosis of insulin-secreting cells via a cyclic 5’-adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase A and a phosphatidylinositol 32kinase-dependent pathway[J]. Endocrinology,2003 ,144 : 1444214551
[15] Gunnar S,Mehboob AH,George GH.Glucagen-like peptide 1 stimulates insulin gene promoter activity by protein kinase A independent activation of the rat insulin gene cAMP response element[J].Diabetes,2000,49:1156-1164
[16] Mont rose Rafizadeh C ,Avdonin P ,Garant MJ ,et all Pancreatic glucago-like peptide-1 receptor couples to multiple G proteins and activates mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in Chinese hamster ovary cells[J]. Endocrinology ,1999 ,140 : 1132211401
[17]. Ohneda K,Ee H,German M.Regulation of insulin gene transcription[J].Semin Cell Dev Biol,2000,11(4):227-233
[18] Joel FH.Glucagen like peptide-1 agonist stimulation of β-cell growth and differentiation[J].Cur Opinion in Endocrinol and Diabetes,2001,8:74-81
[19] Svensson AM ,Ostenson CGEfendic S,et al,Effects of glp-1-(7-36)-amide on pancreatic islet and intestinal blood perfusion in Wistar rats and diabetic Gk rats[J].Clin Sci (Lond),2007,112(6):345-351
[20] Wrede CE , Dickson LM , Lingohr MK, et al.Protein kinase B/Akt prevents fatty acid-induced apoptosis in pancreatic beta-cells ( INS-1)[J].Biol Chem ,2002 ,277 : 496762496841
[21] Cornu M,Yang JY, Jaccard E, Poussin C, Widmann C, Thorens B. Glucagon-like peptide-1 protects beta-cells against apoptosis by increasing the activity of an IGF-2/IGF-1 receptor autocrine loop[J]. Diabetes. 2009 Aug;58(8):1816-25. Epub 2009 Apr 28
[22] Mauvais-Jarvis F,Andreelli F,Hanaire-Broutin H,et al.Therapeutic perspectives for type2diabetes mellitus:molecular and clinical insights.Diabetes Metab,2001,27(4):415-423
[23] Doris AS,Timothy JK,Mehboob AH,et al.Insulinotropic glucagen-like peptide1 agonists stimulate expression of homeodomain protein IDX-1and increase islet size in mouse pancreas[J].Diabetes,2000,49:741-748
[24] Wang X,Zhou J,Doyle ME,et al.Glucagen-like peptide-1 causes pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 protein translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of pancreatic beta-cells by a cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism[J].Endocrinol,2001,142(5):1820-1827
[25] Perfrtti R,Zhou J,Doyle ME,et al.Glucagen-like peptide 1 induces cell proliferation and pancreatic duodenum homeobox-1 expression and increases endocrine cell mass in the pancreas of old,glucose intolerant rats[J].Endocrinol,2000,141(12):4600-4605
[26] Ling Z,Wu D,Zambre Y et al.Glucagen-like peptide 1 receptor signaling influences topography of islet cells in mice[J].Virchows Arch,2001,438(4):382-387
[27] TJ Kieffer,JF Habener. The adipoinsular axis: effects of leptinon pancreatic betacells[J].Am J Physiol Endocrinol Merafo;278(l):El-E14 (2000).
[28] Tour DD,Halvorsen T,Demeterco C,et al.β-cell differentiation form a human pancreatic cell line in vitro and in vivo[J].Mol Endocrinol,2001,15(3):476-483
[29] LarsenPJ,Tang-ChristensenM,HolstJJ,QrskovC.Distribution of glueagon-like PePtide-1 and other PreProglucagon-derived PePtides in the rat hyPothalamus and brainstem[J].Neuroscience 77(l):257-270(1997)
[30]. Litile.TJ,Pilichiewicz AN,RussoA,et al.Effects of intravenous glucagon-like peptide-1 on gastric emptying and intragastric distribution in healthy subjects:relationships with postprandial glycenlic and insulinemice responses[J].clin Endocrinol Metab,2006,91(5):1916-1923
[31].Korner,J.,Inabnet,W.,Conwell I.M.,Taveras,C.,Daud,A.,Olivero-Rivera, L.,et al. 2006. Differential effects of gastric bypass and banding on circulating gut hormone and leptinlevels[J]. Obesity (Silver Spring),14: 1553–1561
[32] Bojanowska, ENowak, A. Interactions between leptinand exendin-4, a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist, in the regulation of food intake in the rat [J]. physiology and pharmacology,2007,58:0867-5910
[1] Bayliss WM,Starling EH Mechanism of Pancreatie Secretion [J]. Physiol (london) 1902; 28:235-334
[2] Drucker D,Nauck M. The incretin system: glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes[J].Lancet 2006,368:1696
[3] Perfetti R,Merkel P.Glucagen-like peptide-1:a major regulator of pancreatic beta-cell function.Eur[J] .Endocrinol,2000,143(6):717-725
[4] Zhang YY,Proenca R,Maffei M,et al. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue[J]. Nature,1994,372(6505):425~432
[5] Fruhbeck G,Jebb SA,Prentice AM.Leption:Physiology and Pathophysiology[J].Clin Physiol,1998,18(5):399
[6] Gunnar S,Mehboob AH,George GH.Glucagen-like peptide1stimulates insulin gene promoter activity by protein kinase A independent activation of the rat insulin gene cAMP response element[J].Diabetes,2000,49:1156-1164
[7]ScroeehiLA,MarshallBA,CookSM,BrubakerPL,DruckerDJ.Identifieation of GLP-1 action essential for glucose homeostasis in mice with disruption of GLP-1receptor signaling[J].Diabetes 47(4):632-639(1998)
[8] Le Lay J,Stein R.Involvement of PDX-1 in activation of human insulin gene transcription[J]. Endocrinol,2006,188:287-294.
[9].Buteau J,Spatz M L,Accili D.Transcription factor FoxO1 mediates
glucagon-like peptide-1 effects on pancreatic β-cell mass [J].Diabetes,2006,55:1190-1196
[10] Wolfgang M,Leech CA,Ferrer J,et al.Regulated expression of adenosinetriphosphate sensitive potassium channel subunits in pancreaticβ-cells[J].Endocrinol,2001,142(1):129-138
[11]Cohen B,Novick D,Rubinstein M,et al. Modulation of insulin activities by leptin[J]. Science,1996,274(2590):1185~1188.
[12] Seufert J,KiefferTJ,Leech CA,et al. leptinsuppression of insulin secretion and gene expression in human pancreatic islets:implications for the development of adipogenic diabetes millitus[J]. Clin Endocrinol Metab,1999,84(2):670~676
[13] Jhala US,Canettieri G,Screaton RA,et al.cAMP promotes pancreatic beta-cell survival via CREB-mediated induction of IRS2[J].Genes Dev,2003,17:1575—1580
[14] Hui H ,Nourparvar A ,Zhao XN ,et al1 Glucago-2like peptide-1 inhibits apoptosis of insulin-secreting cells via a cyclic 5’-adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase A and a phosphatidylinositol 32kinase-dependent pathway[J]. Endocrinology,2003 ,144 : 1444214551
[15] Gunnar S,Mehboob AH,George GH.Glucagen-like peptide 1 stimulates insulin gene promoter activity by protein kinase A independent activation of the rat insulin gene cAMP response element[J].Diabetes,2000,49:1156-1164
[16] Mont rose Rafizadeh C ,Avdonin P ,Garant MJ ,et all Pancreatic glucago-like peptide-1 receptor couples to multiple G proteins and activates mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in Chinese hamster ovary cells[J]. Endocrinology ,1999 ,140 : 1132211401
[17]. Ohneda K,Ee H,German M.Regulation of insulin gene transcription[J].Semin Cell Dev Biol,2000,11(4):227-233
[18] Joel FH.Glucagen like peptide-1 agonist stimulation of β-cell growth and differentiation[J].Cur Opinion in Endocrinol and Diabetes,2001,8:74-81
[19] Svensson AM ,Ostenson CGEfendic S,et al,Effects of glp-1-(7-36)-amide on pancreatic islet and intestinal blood perfusion in Wistar rats and diabetic Gk rats[J].Clin Sci (Lond),2007,112(6):345-351
[20] Wrede CE , Dickson LM , Lingohr MK, et al.Protein kinase B/Akt prevents fatty acid-induced apoptosis in pancreatic beta-cells ( INS-1)[J].Biol Chem ,2002 ,277 : 496762496841
[21] Cornu M,Yang JY, Jaccard E, Poussin C, Widmann C, Thorens B. Glucagon-like peptide-1 protects beta-cells against apoptosis by increasing the activity of an IGF-2/IGF-1 receptor autocrine loop[J]. Diabetes. 2009 Aug;58(8):1816-25. Epub 2009 Apr 28
[22] Mauvais-Jarvis F,Andreelli F,Hanaire-Broutin H,et al.Therapeutic perspectives for type2diabetes mellitus:molecular and clinical insights.Diabetes Metab,2001,27(4):415-423
[23] Doris AS,Timothy JK,Mehboob AH,et al.Insulinotropic glucagen-like peptide1 agonists stimulate expression of homeodomain protein IDX-1and increase islet size in mouse pancreas[J].Diabetes,2000,49:741-748
[24] Wang X,Zhou J,Doyle ME,et al.Glucagen-like peptide-1 causes pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 protein translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of pancreatic beta-cells by a cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism[J].Endocrinol,2001,142(5):1820-1827
[25] Perfrtti R,Zhou J,Doyle ME,et al.Glucagen-like peptide 1 induces cell proliferation and pancreatic duodenum homeobox-1 expression and increases endocrine cell mass in the pancreas of old,glucose intolerant rats[J].Endocrinol,2000,141(12):4600-4605
[26] Ling Z,Wu D,Zambre Y et al.Glucagen-like peptide 1 receptor signaling influences topography of islet cells in mice[J].Virchows Arch,2001,438(4):382-387
[27] TJ Kieffer,JF Habener. The adipoinsular axis: effects of leptinon pancreatic betacells[J].Am J Physiol Endocrinol Merafo;278(l):El-E14 (2000).
[28] Tour DD,Halvorsen T,Demeterco C,et al.β-cell differentiation form a human pancreatic cell line in vitro and in vivo[J].Mol Endocrinol,2001,15(3):476-483
[29] LarsenPJ,Tang-ChristensenM,HolstJJ,QrskovC.Distribution of glueagon-like PePtide-1 and other PreProglucagon-derived PePtides in the rat hyPothalamus and brainstem[J].Neuroscience 77(l):257-270(1997)
[30]. Litile.TJ,Pilichiewicz AN,RussoA,et al.Effects of intravenous glucagon-like peptide-1 on gastric emptying and intragastric distribution in healthy subjects:relationships with postprandial glycenlic and insulinemice responses[J].clin Endocrinol Metab,2006,91(5):1916-1923
[31].Korner,J.,Inabnet,W.,Conwell I.M.,Taveras,C.,Daud,A.,Olivero-Rivera, L.,et al. 2006. Differential effects of gastric bypass and banding on circulating gut hormone and leptinlevels[J]. Obesity (Silver Spring),14: 1553–1561
[32] Bojanowska, ENowak, A. Interactions between leptinand exendin-4, a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist, in the regulation of food intake in the rat [J]. physiology and pharmacology,2007,58:0867-5910
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