来源:网络 时间:2017-07-01 00:41:00
Development Strategies of Personal Financial
Services in Commercial Banks
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Abstract: Personal financial services is the focus of competition of the Chinese and foreign banks after entering the WTO. As compared with the commercial banks of foreign countries and Hong Kong area, the personal financial services of inland commercial banks have many defects no matter in definition of service object and content, financial supervision, business management or marketing and popularizing. How to use the experiences of banks in foreign countries and Hong Kong area for reference to constitute suitable development strategies of personal financial services is a research subject that the commercial banks should pay close attention to at present.
Key words:personal financial services; service object; subpision of market; commercialization
Development Strategies of Personal Financial
Services in Commercial Banks
――Compare and Reference
Abstract: Personal financial services is the focus of competition of the Chinese and foreign banks after entering the WTO. As compared with the commercial banks of foreign countries and Hong Kong area, the personal financial services of inland commercial banks have many defects no matter in definition of service object and content, financial supervision, business management or marketing and popularizing. How to use the experiences of banks in foreign countries and Hong Kong area for reference to constitute suitable development strategies of personal financial services is a research subject that the commercial banks should pay close attention to at present.
Key words:personal financial services; service object; subpision of market; commercialization
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