来源:网络 时间:2017-07-01 01:08:00
2. 3. 2时空本体的粒度问题粒度是构成完整的空间和时间数据所必需的, 粒度问题是影响时空不确定性的关键因素. 大量的应用要求事实以及其时空背景一起存储, 这就需要根据合适的粒度来表示. 并且, G IS 中时空数据可以用不同的粒度来记录和查询. 因此需要在不同粒度之间进行转化与合并. 目前已经有许多学者分别研究了时间粒度和空间粒度的问题. Bet t in i[ 33 ] 等人提出了形式化表示的时间粒度——日历代数(Calendar A lgeb ra) , 并把它应用到时间数据库、时间CSP、时间数据挖掘等领域. 他将时间划分为日历法中的年、月、日、小时、分钟等不同粒度. Wo rboys[ 34 ]等则研究了空间的粒度问题. B it tner (2000) 采用了一个基于粗糙集理论的时间或空间粒度理论, 提出用大致位置的方法来表示近似空间区域[ 35 ] 或时间段[ 36 ]. Stell[ 37 ](2003) 对时空粒度的定性外延进行了研究. 但是这些工作都没有形式化理论来解决时空信息的多时空粒度问题. B it tner 的理论只适合解决单一的时间或空间问题, 而Stell 只进行了描述, 没有给出明确定义和操作. Sm ith 和B rogaard[ 38 ] 于2002 年在对L ew is 提出的个体与个体和的部分- 整体关系的分类进行总结的基础上提出了粒度划分(granu lar part it ion). 该方法以集理论和部分- 整体理论为其理论基础, 可作为形式化本体的工具和人类认知表现结构. 随后Sm ith 和B it tner 又提出了粒度划分的形式化理论[ 39 ] , 并针对时空本体SNA P和SPAN 提出了粒度时空本体SNA P 和SPAN [ 40 ].国内也有部分学者提出了自己的观点, 王生生等人[ 41 ]提出了一个对于时空数据模型通用的支持多粒度和不确定性时空粒度的理论. 他主要是使用了时间粒度和空间粒度的乘积空间来表示时空粒度.也有人[ 22 ]提出了用于G IS 整合的时空语义粒度,即时空对象粒度本体与时空过程粒度本体, 二者都可以根据粗糙程度进一步细分为良性粒度和粗糙粒度.
2. 3. 3时空本体的应用 由于时空问题普遍存在于各领域中, 因而时空本体的研究对于解决不同时空表示系统之间的交互、集成、共享、重用等有着重要的意义. 代写医学论文 目前, 时空本体已经引起了生物信息化、G IS、常识库建造以及语义W eb 领域学者的广泛关注, 并且在一些应用领域已有一些实证研究. 但是,目前对于地理时空本体的应用研究仍然处于探索阶段, 主要用于时空推理方面, 例如, Kaupp inen 和Hyv nen 等[ 42 ]建立20 世纪到2004 年的芬兰的时间区域本体, 他们使用了本体的时间序列模型来进行推理以解决与历史相关的数据库中的信息查询问题, 该方法成功的表示了芬兰历史地理区域随时间演变的过程.
3 结论与展望
总的来说, 目前对于时空地理本体的研究, 仍然处于起步阶段, 因而很多研究领域都存在亟待解决的问题.
(1) 地理时空本体基元的选择. 不同基元的选择受人们对时空现象认知的影响, 反过来, 基元的选择对于时空本体的形式化表示至关重要, 以不同基元为基础的时空本体会影响人们对世界的进一步认知以及知识的交流. 目前对于时空本体基元的选择仍未有统一看法.
(2) 地理时空本体的形式化表示以及时空本体的建立. 目前对时空本体采用的形式化工具多是基于一阶谓词逻辑的基础上的, 而使用描述逻辑定义时空本体的工作仍较少. 因此应该进一步研究时空本体的形式化方法, 建立良性的形式化时空本体, 使得所建立的时空本体更适合于人们对时空常识的理解. 此外, 如何在建立的时空本体之间进行转化, 尤其是如何在以不同基元为基础的时空本体之间进行转化与无缝结合也是个值得探索的问题.
(3) 地理时空本体粒度的研究. 粒度的变化影响人们对地理时空的认识, 不同粒度下, 人们认知的时空范围大小与层次有所不同. 如何选择适合人们不同视点需求并且易于在G IS 中表达的粒度是值得进一步研究的课题.
(4) 地理时空本体与实际应用. 时空本体是可应用于各学科领域的顶级本体, 因此, 可以表达地理学领域与时空相关的一切地理现象. 但是, 目前对于地理时空本体的实际应用研究尚不多, 代写工作总结 仍然处于探索阶段. 因而, 应该积极探索地理时空本体的广泛应用领域, 并建立与具体应用领域相关的推理规则, 推理模型等, 以解决领域中的实际问题.
[1 ] Bo rst W N. Construction of Engineering Onto logies [D ].Ph thesis, U niversity of Twenty, 1997.
[2 ]Pani A K, Bhattacharjee G P. Tempo ral rep resentation and reasoning in artificial intelligence: A review [ J ].M athematical and ComputerModelling, 2001, 34 (1ö2 ) : 55-80.
[ 3 ]M arcMoen, M ark Steedman. Tempo ralOnto logy in N atural L anguage [C ]ööP roceedings of the 25th annual meeting on A ssociation fo r Computational L inguistics. Stanfo rd,
Califo rnia. 1987: 127
[4 ]A llen J F. M aintaining know ledge about tempo ral intervals [J ]. Communications of the ACM , 1983, 26 (11) : 832-834.
[ 5 ] M atuszec D, Fmm T, F rltzson T, Overton C. Endpo int relations on tempo ral intervals [R ]. Technical Repo rt PRC- 2BS- 8810, PaohResearchCenter, Um sys Co rp, 1988.
[ 6 ] F rek sa C. Tempo ral reasoning based on sem i2intervals,A rtzficzal Intelligence[J ]. 1992, 54: 199-227,
[7 ] Kautz H A , L adk in P B. Integrating metric and qualitative tempo ral reasoning [ C ]ööP roceedings of AAA I291.A naheim, CA 1991: 241-246.
[ 8 ]M cCarthy J M , Hayes P. Some ph ilo soph ical p roblem s from standpo int of A I, M ach ine Intelligence [ J ]. 1969, 4: 463-502.
[ 9 ]Bruce B. A model fo r tempo ral references and its app lication m a question answering p rogram [J ]. A rtificial Intelligence,1972, 4: l-25.
[10 ] Kahn K M , Go rry G. M echanizing tempo ral know ledge [J ]. A rtificial Intelligence, 1977, 9: 872108.
[ 11 ] V ila L. A n analysis of the main app roaches to tempo ral reasoning in A I[R ]. Repo rt de Recerca IIIA , 1993.
[ 12 ] Cohn A G, Hazarika S M. Q ualitative spatial rep resentation and reasoning: A n overview [ J ].Fundamental Info rmatics, 2001, 46 (1ö2) : 1-29.
[ 13 ]RandellD, Cui Z, Cohn A. A spatial logic based on regions and connection [ C ]ööN ebel B, R ich C, Swartout W.P roceedings of the Know ledge Rep resentation and Reasoning. San M ateo: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 1992: 165-176.
[ 14 ] F rank A U. Q ualitative spatial reasoning about cardinal directions [C ]ööM ark D, W h ite D. P roceedings of the 7th . A ustrian Conference on A rtificial Intelligence. Baltimo re: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 1991: 157-167.
[ 15 ] Ch ristian F rek sa. U sing o rientation info rmation for qualitative spatial reasoning [C ]ööF rank AU , Campari I,Fo rmentiniU. P roceedings of the Int’l Conference on GIS. Berlin: Sp ringer2V erlag, 1992: 162-178.
[ 16 ] Goyal R, Egenhofer M J. Cardinal D irections between Extended Spatial Objects [ EBöOL ]. 2001. h ttp: öö spatial maine. eduö~maxöRJ36. h tm l.
[ 17 ]F rank A U. T iers of onto logy and consistency constraints in geograph ic info rmation system s [ J ]. International Journal of Geograph ical Info rmation Science, 2001, 15 (7) :667-678.
[ 18 ]F rank A U. A L inguistically Justified P ropo sal fo r a Spatio-Tempo ral Onto logy [ EBöOL ]. the P re-COS IT Wo rk shop on Fundamental Issues in Spatial and Geograph ical Onto logy. www. comp. leeds. ac. Uköbrandonö co sit03onto logyöpo sition- papersöF rank. doc
[ 19 ] Bittner T. Spatio-Tempo ral Onto logies. Repo rt in Wo rk shop on Geo2onto logy [ EBöOL ]. Ilk ley U K, 2002.h ttp: ööwww. comp. leeds. ac. uköB randonögeo2onto logy.
[ 20 ] Grenon P. The Fo rmal Onto logy of Spatio2Tempo ral Reality and its Fo rmalization, AAA I Technical Repo rt Series [ C ]öö2003 AAA I Sp ring Sympo sium on the Foundations and App lications of Spatio-Tempo ral Reasoning. Stanfo rd U niversity in Palo A lto, Califo rnia.
[ 21 ]Grenon P, Sm ith B. SNA P and SPAN: Towards Dynam ic Spatial Onto logy[J ]. Fo rthcom ing in Spatial Cognition and Computation, 2004, 4: 1.
[ 22 ] W ei Xu, Yong Q in, Hou2kuan Huang. Sp tio-Tempo ral Onto logy O riented to Geograph ic Info rmation System [C ]ööP roceedings of the Th ird International Conference on
M ach ine L earning and Cybernetics. Shanghai, 26~29 A ugust 2004.
[ 23 ] A ntony Galton. Desiderata fo r a Spatio2tempo ral Geo-onto logy [C ]ööKuhnW , Wo rboysM F, T impf S. Spatial Info rmation Theo ry: Foundations of Geograph ic Info rmation Science ( P roceedings of International Conference COS IT 2003, Kartause Ittingen, Sw itzerland,
Sep tember 2003 ). Sp ringer L ecture No tes in Computer Science, 2003: 1-12.
[ 24 ] P ro tégé[EBöOL ]. h ttp: ööp ro tege. stanfo rd. eduöp luginsö ow lö ow l2libraryö index. h tm l
[ 25 ]The CYC P ro ject [EBöO L ]. h ttp: ööwww. cyc. comö
[ 26 ]IEEE Standard Upper Onto logyWo rk ing Group [EBöO L ]. h ttp: öö suo. ieee. o rgö
[ 27 ] 胡 鹤. 本体方法及其时空推理应用研究[D ]. 长春: 吉林大学, 2004.
[ 28 ] Wo lter F, Zakharyaschev F. Spatio-Tempo ral rep resentation and reasoning based on RCC28[C ]ööCohn AG, Giunch iglia F, Selman B. P roceddings of the 7th Conference on P rincip les of Know ledge Rep resentation and Reasoning. Breckenridge: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 2000: 3-14.
[ 29 ] Wo lter F, Zakharyaschev M. Q ualitative spatio-tempo ral rep resentation and reasoning: A computational perspective [ C ]ööL akemeyer G, N ebel B. Exp lo ring A rtificial Intelligence in theN ew M illenium. San F rancisco: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 2002: 175-216.
[ 30 ] M uller. Topo logical spatio-tempo ral reasoning and rep resentation [ J ]. Computational Intelligence, 2002, 18(3) : 420-450.
[ 31 ] Bennett B, Cohn G, Wo lter F, et al. M ulti-D imensional modal logic as a framewo rk fo r spatio-tempo ral reasoning [J ]. App lied Intelligence, 2002, 3 (4) : 239-251.
[32 ]Haarslev V , L utz C, M ller R. A Descrip tion Logic w ith Concrete Domains and a Ro lefo rm ing P redicate Operato r [J ]. Journal of Logic and Computation, 1999, 9 (3) : 351-384.
[ 33 ] Bettini C, De Sibi R. Symbo lic Rep resentation of U ser-Defined T ime Granularities[J ]. A nnals ofM athematics andA rtificial Intelligence, 2001, 30: 1-4.
[ 34 ]Wo rboysM F. Computation w ith imp recise geo spatial data [ J ]. Computer, Environment and U rban System s, 1998,22 (2) : 85-106.
[ 35 ] Bittner T, Stell J. Rough sets in App roximate spatial reasoning [ C ]ööP roceedings of RSCTC’2000. Berlin-Heidelberg Sp ringer2V erlag, 2000: 145-156.
[ 36 ]Bittner T. App roximate qualitative tempo ral reasoning[J ].AAA I, 2000: 200-215.
[ 37 ] John G Stell. Q ualitative extents fo r spatio-tempo ral granularity[J ]. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 2003,3 (2ö3) : 119-136.
[ 38 ]Sm ith B, Brogaard B. Q uantum mereo topo logy[J ]. A nnals ofM athematics and A rtificial intelligence, 2002, 36 (1ö2) :153-175.
[ 39 ] Bittner T, Sm ith B. A taxonomy of granular partitions [ C ]öö In Montello, D R. Spatial Info rmation Theo ry: Foundations of Geograph ic Info rmation Science, vo lume2205 of L ecture No tes in Computer Science. Berlin: Sp ringer-V erlag, 2001.
[ 40 ]Bittner T, Sm ith B. Granular Spatio2Tempo ral Onto logies [ C ]öö2003 AAA I Sympo sium: Foundations and App lications of Spatio2Tempo ral Reasoning ( FA STR ). AAA I P ress, 2003: 12-17.
[ 41 ] Sheng-sheng W ang, Da-you L iu, Zhe W ang. Spatio-Tempo ral Reasoning Based Spatio-Tempo ral Info rmation M anagementM iddleware[C ]ööT he Sixth A sia PacificW eb Conference (A PW eb). 2004: 436-441.
[ 42 ]Tom i Kaupp inen, Eero Hyv nen. Modeling and Reasoning about Changes in Onto logy T ime Series[EBöO L ]. h ttp: ööwww. cs. helsink i. fiöuöeahyvoneöpublicationsö2005ök luwer05. pdf.
2. 3. 3时空本体的应用 由于时空问题普遍存在于各领域中, 因而时空本体的研究对于解决不同时空表示系统之间的交互、集成、共享、重用等有着重要的意义. 代写医学论文 目前, 时空本体已经引起了生物信息化、G IS、常识库建造以及语义W eb 领域学者的广泛关注, 并且在一些应用领域已有一些实证研究. 但是,目前对于地理时空本体的应用研究仍然处于探索阶段, 主要用于时空推理方面, 例如, Kaupp inen 和Hyv nen 等[ 42 ]建立20 世纪到2004 年的芬兰的时间区域本体, 他们使用了本体的时间序列模型来进行推理以解决与历史相关的数据库中的信息查询问题, 该方法成功的表示了芬兰历史地理区域随时间演变的过程.
3 结论与展望
总的来说, 目前对于时空地理本体的研究, 仍然处于起步阶段, 因而很多研究领域都存在亟待解决的问题.
(1) 地理时空本体基元的选择. 不同基元的选择受人们对时空现象认知的影响, 反过来, 基元的选择对于时空本体的形式化表示至关重要, 以不同基元为基础的时空本体会影响人们对世界的进一步认知以及知识的交流. 目前对于时空本体基元的选择仍未有统一看法.
(2) 地理时空本体的形式化表示以及时空本体的建立. 目前对时空本体采用的形式化工具多是基于一阶谓词逻辑的基础上的, 而使用描述逻辑定义时空本体的工作仍较少. 因此应该进一步研究时空本体的形式化方法, 建立良性的形式化时空本体, 使得所建立的时空本体更适合于人们对时空常识的理解. 此外, 如何在建立的时空本体之间进行转化, 尤其是如何在以不同基元为基础的时空本体之间进行转化与无缝结合也是个值得探索的问题.
(3) 地理时空本体粒度的研究. 粒度的变化影响人们对地理时空的认识, 不同粒度下, 人们认知的时空范围大小与层次有所不同. 如何选择适合人们不同视点需求并且易于在G IS 中表达的粒度是值得进一步研究的课题.
(4) 地理时空本体与实际应用. 时空本体是可应用于各学科领域的顶级本体, 因此, 可以表达地理学领域与时空相关的一切地理现象. 但是, 目前对于地理时空本体的实际应用研究尚不多, 代写工作总结 仍然处于探索阶段. 因而, 应该积极探索地理时空本体的广泛应用领域, 并建立与具体应用领域相关的推理规则, 推理模型等, 以解决领域中的实际问题.
[1 ] Bo rst W N. Construction of Engineering Onto logies [D ].Ph thesis, U niversity of Twenty, 1997.
[2 ]Pani A K, Bhattacharjee G P. Tempo ral rep resentation and reasoning in artificial intelligence: A review [ J ].M athematical and ComputerModelling, 2001, 34 (1ö2 ) : 55-80.
[ 3 ]M arcMoen, M ark Steedman. Tempo ralOnto logy in N atural L anguage [C ]ööP roceedings of the 25th annual meeting on A ssociation fo r Computational L inguistics. Stanfo rd,
Califo rnia. 1987: 127
[4 ]A llen J F. M aintaining know ledge about tempo ral intervals [J ]. Communications of the ACM , 1983, 26 (11) : 832-834.
[ 5 ] M atuszec D, Fmm T, F rltzson T, Overton C. Endpo int relations on tempo ral intervals [R ]. Technical Repo rt PRC- 2BS- 8810, PaohResearchCenter, Um sys Co rp, 1988.
[ 6 ] F rek sa C. Tempo ral reasoning based on sem i2intervals,A rtzficzal Intelligence[J ]. 1992, 54: 199-227,
[7 ] Kautz H A , L adk in P B. Integrating metric and qualitative tempo ral reasoning [ C ]ööP roceedings of AAA I291.A naheim, CA 1991: 241-246.
[ 8 ]M cCarthy J M , Hayes P. Some ph ilo soph ical p roblem s from standpo int of A I, M ach ine Intelligence [ J ]. 1969, 4: 463-502.
[ 9 ]Bruce B. A model fo r tempo ral references and its app lication m a question answering p rogram [J ]. A rtificial Intelligence,1972, 4: l-25.
[10 ] Kahn K M , Go rry G. M echanizing tempo ral know ledge [J ]. A rtificial Intelligence, 1977, 9: 872108.
[ 11 ] V ila L. A n analysis of the main app roaches to tempo ral reasoning in A I[R ]. Repo rt de Recerca IIIA , 1993.
[ 12 ] Cohn A G, Hazarika S M. Q ualitative spatial rep resentation and reasoning: A n overview [ J ].Fundamental Info rmatics, 2001, 46 (1ö2) : 1-29.
[ 13 ]RandellD, Cui Z, Cohn A. A spatial logic based on regions and connection [ C ]ööN ebel B, R ich C, Swartout W.P roceedings of the Know ledge Rep resentation and Reasoning. San M ateo: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 1992: 165-176.
[ 14 ] F rank A U. Q ualitative spatial reasoning about cardinal directions [C ]ööM ark D, W h ite D. P roceedings of the 7th . A ustrian Conference on A rtificial Intelligence. Baltimo re: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 1991: 157-167.
[ 15 ] Ch ristian F rek sa. U sing o rientation info rmation for qualitative spatial reasoning [C ]ööF rank AU , Campari I,Fo rmentiniU. P roceedings of the Int’l Conference on GIS. Berlin: Sp ringer2V erlag, 1992: 162-178.
[ 16 ] Goyal R, Egenhofer M J. Cardinal D irections between Extended Spatial Objects [ EBöOL ]. 2001. h ttp: öö spatial maine. eduö~maxöRJ36. h tm l.
[ 17 ]F rank A U. T iers of onto logy and consistency constraints in geograph ic info rmation system s [ J ]. International Journal of Geograph ical Info rmation Science, 2001, 15 (7) :667-678.
[ 18 ]F rank A U. A L inguistically Justified P ropo sal fo r a Spatio-Tempo ral Onto logy [ EBöOL ]. the P re-COS IT Wo rk shop on Fundamental Issues in Spatial and Geograph ical Onto logy. www. comp. leeds. ac. Uköbrandonö co sit03onto logyöpo sition- papersöF rank. doc
[ 19 ] Bittner T. Spatio-Tempo ral Onto logies. Repo rt in Wo rk shop on Geo2onto logy [ EBöOL ]. Ilk ley U K, 2002.h ttp: ööwww. comp. leeds. ac. uköB randonögeo2onto logy.
[ 20 ] Grenon P. The Fo rmal Onto logy of Spatio2Tempo ral Reality and its Fo rmalization, AAA I Technical Repo rt Series [ C ]öö2003 AAA I Sp ring Sympo sium on the Foundations and App lications of Spatio-Tempo ral Reasoning. Stanfo rd U niversity in Palo A lto, Califo rnia.
[ 21 ]Grenon P, Sm ith B. SNA P and SPAN: Towards Dynam ic Spatial Onto logy[J ]. Fo rthcom ing in Spatial Cognition and Computation, 2004, 4: 1.
[ 22 ] W ei Xu, Yong Q in, Hou2kuan Huang. Sp tio-Tempo ral Onto logy O riented to Geograph ic Info rmation System [C ]ööP roceedings of the Th ird International Conference on
M ach ine L earning and Cybernetics. Shanghai, 26~29 A ugust 2004.
[ 23 ] A ntony Galton. Desiderata fo r a Spatio2tempo ral Geo-onto logy [C ]ööKuhnW , Wo rboysM F, T impf S. Spatial Info rmation Theo ry: Foundations of Geograph ic Info rmation Science ( P roceedings of International Conference COS IT 2003, Kartause Ittingen, Sw itzerland,
Sep tember 2003 ). Sp ringer L ecture No tes in Computer Science, 2003: 1-12.
[ 24 ] P ro tégé[EBöOL ]. h ttp: ööp ro tege. stanfo rd. eduöp luginsö ow lö ow l2libraryö index. h tm l
[ 25 ]The CYC P ro ject [EBöO L ]. h ttp: ööwww. cyc. comö
[ 26 ]IEEE Standard Upper Onto logyWo rk ing Group [EBöO L ]. h ttp: öö suo. ieee. o rgö
[ 27 ] 胡 鹤. 本体方法及其时空推理应用研究[D ]. 长春: 吉林大学, 2004.
[ 28 ] Wo lter F, Zakharyaschev F. Spatio-Tempo ral rep resentation and reasoning based on RCC28[C ]ööCohn AG, Giunch iglia F, Selman B. P roceddings of the 7th Conference on P rincip les of Know ledge Rep resentation and Reasoning. Breckenridge: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 2000: 3-14.
[ 29 ] Wo lter F, Zakharyaschev M. Q ualitative spatio-tempo ral rep resentation and reasoning: A computational perspective [ C ]ööL akemeyer G, N ebel B. Exp lo ring A rtificial Intelligence in theN ew M illenium. San F rancisco: Mo rgan Kaufmann, 2002: 175-216.
[ 30 ] M uller. Topo logical spatio-tempo ral reasoning and rep resentation [ J ]. Computational Intelligence, 2002, 18(3) : 420-450.
[ 31 ] Bennett B, Cohn G, Wo lter F, et al. M ulti-D imensional modal logic as a framewo rk fo r spatio-tempo ral reasoning [J ]. App lied Intelligence, 2002, 3 (4) : 239-251.
[32 ]Haarslev V , L utz C, M ller R. A Descrip tion Logic w ith Concrete Domains and a Ro lefo rm ing P redicate Operato r [J ]. Journal of Logic and Computation, 1999, 9 (3) : 351-384.
[ 33 ] Bettini C, De Sibi R. Symbo lic Rep resentation of U ser-Defined T ime Granularities[J ]. A nnals ofM athematics andA rtificial Intelligence, 2001, 30: 1-4.
[ 34 ]Wo rboysM F. Computation w ith imp recise geo spatial data [ J ]. Computer, Environment and U rban System s, 1998,22 (2) : 85-106.
[ 35 ] Bittner T, Stell J. Rough sets in App roximate spatial reasoning [ C ]ööP roceedings of RSCTC’2000. Berlin-Heidelberg Sp ringer2V erlag, 2000: 145-156.
[ 36 ]Bittner T. App roximate qualitative tempo ral reasoning[J ].AAA I, 2000: 200-215.
[ 37 ] John G Stell. Q ualitative extents fo r spatio-tempo ral granularity[J ]. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 2003,3 (2ö3) : 119-136.
[ 38 ]Sm ith B, Brogaard B. Q uantum mereo topo logy[J ]. A nnals ofM athematics and A rtificial intelligence, 2002, 36 (1ö2) :153-175.
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